Rosen Green Meetings® are events which are conducted in specific ways that help reduce the environmental burdens imposed by such activities. Rosen Hotels & Resorts have applied environmentally friendly methods to manage waste, energy use, water conservation, paper reduction, clean air practice maintenance.

Green events and convention planning are now an established trend within the United States meeting and convention industry. Rosen Hotels & Resorts is proud to promote green meetings, conferences, convention planning and green hotels as the demand and importance for sustainability measures increases.

Green conventions, meetings, conferencing, hotels and events are part of an international movement to achieve a sustainable world economy and livable planet.

Earth Day Animated Greeting Button

Rosen Hotels Green Lodging Efforts Button

The Convene Green Alliance Button

Be a Green Meeting Planner

Rosen Hotels & Resorts announced the designation of its three properties as Florida Green Lodging Hotels in May 2008. This designation requires specific efforts be made to conserve natural resources and prevent pollution. As a Green Meeting Planner choosing a green hotel to host your meetings and conventions is a step in the right direction in preserving our natural resources, but what other steps can be taken to plan a truly green meeting?

  • Let the World Know: Write down your goals and develop a green environmental policy that will be visible to delegates and sponsors. Keeping everyone in-the-loop will make it a cinch to receive support and kudos for your efforts.
  • Buy in Bulk: When placing orders for food and beverages, discuss with your supplier the options available to purchase in bulk instead of using disposable or individual packaging.
  • Offer Incentives: Ask your vendors about their green policies and offer incentives to them for their green efforts.
  • Minimize: Reduce or eliminate giveaways and paper items to delegates.
  • Green Partners: Select meeting and convention destinations that have earned Green Hotels Designations and have environmental policies such as efficient lights and water-conserving fixtures and linen and towel reuse.
  • Get the Lights On Your Way Out: Large Meeting Hotels require energy in lights and temperature control. Insure when not in use, the lights and AC / Heating units are off.
  • We Have the technology!. Publish green meeting and convention information online and make it available to download to PDAs, iPhones and other electronic portable devices to save paper.
  • Keep it close: Select Green Meetings Destinations that provide everything attendees might need on the property or within walking distance to reduce carbon emissions from cars.

See Hotels in Orlando and visit the Rosen family websites.